Our Pre-Program



4 Workshops

2 Intensives

Why we created a Pre-Program for our OCTO2324 Training

Organisational Constellations are not about functioning, not about planning, not about success – in the first place  they are about our lives, about the moments when we connect with one another for expressing ourselves, for designing our environment, for creating our common future.

In the OCTO2324 Training (Organisational Constellations Training Online) which starts in January 2023, there are four key aspects which we want to focus on more deeply in 2022. This gives interested constellation colleagues and friends the possibility to meet us – Stephanie and Nikos – and experience our way of working before the training starts.

The 4 key aspects

  1. Meeting the Phenomenological and Constructivist Approaches
  2. Information is in us
  3. Leadership is leading yourself
  4. Organizational Consciousness

We invite you to explore these aspects with us – for a deeper understanding of what organisations are essentially about.

We will explore what constructing and creating are about and how deeply they are connected to the roots of our existence.

Pre-Program Download

Meeting the Phenomenological and Constructivist Approaches

Workshop with Stephanie Hartung (Germany) and Nikos Vayiakakos (Greece)

One says

Family Constellations have a phenomenological, and Organisational Constellations have a 

constructivist approach.

We experience

Creative and collective movements should be viewed as both phenomena and constructions.

They go hand in hand with our way of perceiving.

How do we recognize both in organizations?

The workshop

In this workshop, Stephanie will introduce the constructivist approach to systemic constellation work in organizations and offer an exercise for experiencing patterns in our perception.

Nikos will introduce the phenomenological approach in organizational constellation work.

Together with the participants, we will then close the gestalt of phenomenological and constructivist organizational constellation work.

The 4-hour workshop provides a deep experience in the phenomenological and constructivist understanding of organizational reality.

It also offers the possibility to meet Stephanie and Nikos and to dive into one of the 5 key aspects of their OCTO2324, the Organisational Constellations Training Online that they will offer from Jan 2023-Nov 2024.

Sat 11 June 2022      4 hours ZOOM workshop      symbolic fee: 20 Euro 

13:30 -17:30 Central Europe (Brussels)       14:30-18:30 Greece        18:00-22:00 India

Please register here:


Pre-Program Download

Information is in us

Workshop with Stephanie Hartung (Germany) and Nikos Vayiakakos (Greece)

We think

Information is made by us. We send it to one another. It is twodimensional and makes a difference.

Science knows

All is matter, and all is energy. Information 

inheres in matter and energy ± or the other way round: matter and energy are the 

manifestations of information.

This insight revolutionises the way we deal with information in organisations. How exactly?

The workshop

Stephanie and Nikos present insights from quantum physics that are essential for our information management in organizations. We will introduce the insights about "it-formation" that produces "in-formation".

The workshop will weave theoretical and experiential phases and provides a deep experience of universal substances and the information that is contained in them.

It also offers the possibility to meet Stephanie and Nikos and to dive into one of the 5 key aspects of their OCTO2324, the Organisational Constellations Training Online that they will offer from Jan 2023-Nov 2024.

Sat 23 July 2022      4 hours ZOOM workshop       symbolic fee: 20 Euro 

13:30 -17:30 Central Europe          14:30-18:30 Greece        18:00-22:00 India

Please register here:


Pre-Program Download

Leadership is leading yourself

Workshop with Stephanie Hartung (Germany) and Nikos Vayiakakos (Greece)

The general understanding

The leader leads the organization. That means, he is not in the organization, he is outside, different from the system.

We know

All elements of the organization belong to it. The leader is an inseparable part of it.

That means: The leader should lead himself.

How does self-leadership work when it is about leading others?

The Workshop

Stephanie and Nikos present the dimensions of systemic leadership – not least from a constructivist and a phenomenological perspective.

The participants will learn about the systemic approach to leadership, understand the decisive difference to common leadership models and experience the possibilities that come with that in organizational constellations.

The workshop offers the possibility to meet Stephanie and Nikos and to dive into one of the 5 key aspects of their OCTO2324, the Organisational Constellations Training Online that they will offer from Jan 2023-Nov 2024

Sat 10 September 2022      4 hours ZOOM workshop       symbolic fee: 20 Euro 

13:30 -17:30 Central Europe              14:30-18:30 Greece            1800-22:00 India

Please register here:


Pre-Program Download

Organizational Consciousness

Workshop with Stephanie Hartung (Germany) and Nikos Vayiakakos (Greece)

The general description

In organizations, we are sure that our consciousness enables us to perceive true facts inside and outside of us.

We experienced

The reality we experience is what we create out of our consciousness. It moves in a spiral wave – in a constant mode of sustaining and changing.

How can we use our consciousness to construct and create what we want?

The workshop

Stephanie and Nikos present the dimensions of organizational consciousness – at the interface of individual and social-functional consciousness, not least from a constructivist and a phenomenological perspective.

The participants will learn about the wide and deep dimensions of consciousness which is the source for all manifestation and the "perceiving organ" for what has manifested.

There will be an interwoven structure of theoretical input and experiential work.

The workshop offers the possibility to meet Stephanie and Nikos and to dive into one of the 5 key aspects of their OCTO2324, the Organisational Constellations Training Online that they will offer from Jan 2023-Nov 2024

Sat 12 November 2022      4 hours ZOOM workshop       symbolic fee: 20 Euro 

13:30 -17:30 Central Europe       14:30-18:30 Greece        18:00-22:00 India

Please register here:


Pre-Program Download

Stephanie and Nikos

Stephanie Hartung

As business consultant, Stephanie has facilitated organizational constellations for nearly 25 years. Since 2016, she has been offering DGfS-certified trainings in systemic constellations in the organizational and in the psychosocial field.

Stephanie is the founder of FELD INSTITUT, offering systemic development for people, personnel and organisations and has published several books on Branding, Systemic Management, and Systemic Constellations in the psychosocial and in the organisational field.

As Vice Chair of the International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA) from 2019-2022, she contributed in the international development of constellation work since 2019. 

Stephanie is also member of the International Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA), the International Forum for Systemic Organisational Constellation (INFOSYON) and the German Society for System Constellations (DGfS). 

She is a certified trainer for the latter. In the 2 year Professional Education presented here, she offers – together with Nikos Vayiakakos – comprehensive knowledge and skills in Organisational Constellations as a method for the mastery in systemic leadership and in systemic organisation and personnel development.

As certified Systemic Constellator and Trainer, Stephanie carries the Quality Seal Quality, Transparence and Integrity in Education and Training (Qualität, Transparenz und Integrität in der Weiterbildung) of the FWW e.V.

Nikos Vayiakakos

Nikos is the founder and director of the Life Alphabet System™, a Centre for Personal & Profes­sional De­velopment, based in Athens and Santorini.

Their programs include experiential learning, counselling, training, psy­chotherapy, and publications on Systemic Thinking, Systemic Phenomenology, Organiza­tional Leadership, Self-Leadership, NLP, Coaching, Transpersonal Psychology, Color Work, Business Mentoring, and Social Entrepreneurship.

Their clientele includes individuals, couples, groups, company executives, entrepreneurs, and organizations mainly in Greece & Cy­prus.

Nikos is the editor/translator of 40 titles, and the author of 3 systemic books and 7 training dossiers, published by the Life Alphabet Editions.


Nikos has been trained in Systemic Phenomenology Work with Hellinger, Beaumont, We­ber, Schneider et.al. (2001-2007), in Deep Memory Process and Ancestors Work

(R. Wool­ger), NLP & Coaching (Institute of California) and in Self-Leadership (University of Santa Monica). He is also a certified Business Mentor in the EU “Early Warning Program”.

He co-founded the Hellenic Institute for the Development of Anthropo-Systems (EIDAS, 2019) serving as their Vice-Chairman. Under this role, he got appointed as Head of the Hellenic Chapter of ISCA, being also nominated for its Board of Directors (2021-2023).

Do you have Any questions about the OCTO Pre-Program?

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